A Benefit Corporation (BC) is a company with an innovative business model: whereas traditional companies exist with the sole objective of generating dividends for shareholders, benefit corporations extend their purpose to include a positive impact on society, people and the planet.
Benefit corporations were introduced under Italian Law with Legge di stabilità 2016 (no. 208 28 December 2015).
The law thus defined a new judicial instrument by means of which all the corporate entities allowed for in the Civil Code may jointly pursue objectives of profit and the common good. In their striving for this balance, benefit corporations are therefore distinct from nonprofit organisations.
A benefit corporation is not necessarily a B Corp certified company, just as a B Corp certified company is not necessarily a benefit corporation.
navigating sustainability

So-What Srl Società Benefit
Via Valparaiso, 1 20144 Milano
CF/PI: 13190320963
REA: MI-2707814
PEC: info@pec.so-what.it