Complexity made accessible
Drive and passion for quality Sustainability and ESG consultancy

30 minutes
to get your bearings

Sustainability and ESG:
You know you need to begin but you can’t tell which way to go?
You don’t know where to start?
You are puzzled about one specific topic?
Let’s take half an hour to talk about it.


The challenges of our times demand systemic change and, if we are to succeed in this, everybody needs to get on board. That is why we believe sustainability needs to be democratised and quality consulting should be accessible to all kinds of organisations.

There’s no need to do everything, just what counts and has an impact. We help our clients get their bearings and navigate the complexity of the language, context and topics of sustainability to find the best and most effective journey to take.

If there is a meaning to what you do you invest more energy and passion. As a benefit corporation sustainability is both our goal and reason for existing. Which ultimately makes sustainability our real client.


stakeholder engagement impacts sustainability lca reporting benchmark double materiality ghg protocol gender equality corporate volunteering biodiversity csrd change management agenda 2030 profit-non profit partnership scope 1 2 3 sustainability plan ipcc training CO2 equivalent efrag carbon footprint esg GHG emissions eco-design pcf science-based targets sdgs decarbonization epd shared value supply chain esrs climate change bcorp

" There is
no favourable wind
for the sailor who doesn’t know
where to go "
Seneca, Letters to Lucillus

We decided to set up as a Benefit Corporation because our ultimate goal, through our work too, is to have a positive impact on people and the environment.
So-What Srl Benefit corporation
Via Valparaiso 1, 20144 Milano
CF/PI: 13190320963
REA: MI-2707814
PEC: info@pec.so-what.it