UNI/PdR 125:2022
The UNI/PdR 125:2022 sets out the guidelines of a management system aimed at consolidating the internal policies of an organisation which generates and promotes gender equality.
This is a voluntary certification and in order to obtain it, a company must highlight and demonstrate compliance (at least 60%) with weighted performance indicators spread over various intervention areas which contribute to the final assessment:
Culture and strategy (15%)
Governance (15%)
HR Processes (10%)
Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company (20%)
Pay equity between men and women (20%)
Parental protection and life work balance (20%)
Gender equality certification applies to any company regardless of size and legal status.
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So-What Srl Società Benefit
Via Valparaiso, 1 20144 Milano
CF/PI: 13190320963
REA: MI-2707814
PEC: info@pec.so-what.it